Streamline Your Operations with Custom Dashboards

At WDO, we understand the value of having comprehensive and tailored dashboards to enhance your business processes. Whether you need a dashboard for testing, operations, or application monitoring, we've got you covered.


software testing, testing automation

What is a Dashboard?

Let's break it down in simple terms. Think of a dashboard as your go-to bookmark page, providing you with a quick status update on the aspects that matter most to you. It's like having a real-time snapshot of critical information at your fingertips.

Operational Team Dashboard

Operational Team Dashboard

For your operational team, we design dashboards that focus on key questions such as:



Is the application up and running?


How frequently did downtime occur in the last day, week, or month?


When was the last successful application deployment to the live site or test server?


With this dashboard, your team can stay on top of crucial operational metrics, ensuring that potential issues are identified and addressed promptly.


Testing Team Dashboard

Our testing team dashboard is designed to provide insights into essential testing aspects:



When was the last test plan successfully executed?


Which tests are failing and require immediate attention?


What's the status of planned work, and are estimated timelines being met?


This dashboard empowers your testing team to track testing progress effectively and collaborate on areas that need improvement.


testing dashboard
Development Team Dashboard

Development Team Dashboard

While development team dashboards can be challenging to interpret, we customize them to align with your specific requirements. Metrics can include:



Delta between estimated and actual work times to incentivize developers.


Tracking of planned work and estimated time left to manage resources effectively.


Monitoring of server health and API status to ensure seamless operations.


This dashboard helps your development team stay organized, efficient, and proactive in meeting project goals.


Usage-Based Dashboards

Understanding how your applications and features are being used is crucial. Our usage-based dashboards provide valuable insights into:



Application usage and feature adoption rates.


Identifying popular and underused features to prioritize improvements.


Tracking user interactions to make data-driven decisions.


With this information, you can optimize your applications and deliver an exceptional user experience.


Usage-Based Dashboards
Customized Solutions for Your Needs

Customized Solutions for Your Needs

We believe in flexibility, and that's why we offer customized dashboards to cater to your unique business requirements. Whether it's a peace-of-mind dashboard for stakeholders or specialized dashboards for clients and internal teams, we've got you covered.

Simplify Operations with WDO

At WDO, we envision a future where businesses can access a variety of pre-built dashboards to meet their specific needs easily. Our goal is to empower your teams with valuable data insights and streamline your operations, ultimately leading to improved efficiency and success.

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